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Our Flush Passes come with so many security features that would-be gate crashers will never have a chance!

Our Flush Passes come with so many security features that would-be gate crashers will never have a chance!

Organizing and promoting an event is time-consuming and expensive, and it’s important to make sure that you generate enough revenue from ticket sales to operate profitably. You work hard to create quality events, and do everything that you can to keep your ticket prices affordable. Unfortunately, there are still many people who are either unwilling or unable to pay those ticket prices, and plenty of enterprising criminals prepared to supply them with bogus credentials.

The good news is that when you order laminate passes from our team at RockStar Passes, you won’t have to worry about people sneaking in with counterfeit event passes. We have the most state-of-the-art printing equipment in the industry, and our popular flush passes are waterproof, and virtually indestructible. We also offer the following advanced security features:

Holographic Foil-holographic security foil has become a standard feature on credit cards for the past few decades, and is also being added to new currency. It’s very difficult to duplicate without equipment that is beyond the financial means of your average forger. We can also provide custom holograms for larger orders!

Variable Data-Adding UPC barcodes or QR codes to your passes is an easy and efficient way to make sure that each pass is unique. Specialized scanning equipment is very affordable, or you can also use one of several smart phone apps. The QR codes can also be utilized by your guests to access up-to-the-minute event updates on your website!

Photo IDs-For the ultimate in customization, look no further than our selection of Photo IDs! There will never be a case of mistaken identity when you add a photograph of your guests to their passes, and it’s a great way to make them feel like real VIPs!

If you have any questions, or are ready to get a rapid quote, contact us online, or give us a call at 866-980-4362.

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